The ordering and registration of artisanal miners in the municipalities of La Libertad and Santo Domingo, fair and orderly commercial relations in the sector, as well as greater knowledge of miners in safety and environmental issues, are part of the advances, which in recent years have been presented, as part of the implementation of the artisanal mining model, promoted by Plantel Los Angeles, in alliance with other institutions and companies in the mining sector of Nicaragua.
"From Plantel Los Angeles, we are contributing to the transformation of artisanal mining, from an informal activity of mere survival, to a formal, environmentally and economically sustainable activity," said Randy Martin, president of Plantel Los Angeles, located in La Libertad.
Due to its informal nature, the artisanal sector has lacked a regulatory environment that provides legal stability. This lack of formalization causes irregularities and economic limitations, a situation that directly affects the family nucleus of the artisanal miner due to the lack of fixed economic income.
Since 2016, as part of the inclusive model developed by Plantel Los Angeles, it has established agreements with the different cooperatives of artisanal miners in the area, establishing an orderly and equitable commercial relationship.
One of the fundamental pillars for the development of this business model is the modern plant installed by Plantel Los Angeles, in La Libertad, which allows a greater recovery of the mineral, which translates into greater income for the sector and benefits the miners directly, their families and the community, and also offers greater protection of the environment.
Ordering of the activity
Another of the advances that have been made in the sector has been the organization and identification of miners working in small-scale mining in the area. In coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Mines, it has been possible to delimit the industrial and artisanal mining areas in this mining district.
In addition to this effort, it has been possible to train more than 300 artisanal miners in skills such as occupational safety, environmental protection, first aid, mining law, as well as technical advice on geological issues so that they can better identify extraction sites.
"For us, it is very important that they take us into account and help us in different issues that allow us to do our job better. We thank Plantel Los Angeles for the support provided," said Carlos Mairena Solís, an artisanal miner from Santo Domingo, Chontales.
"The vision of the Plantel Los Angeles model is to formalize the activity and make it more profitable through the use of efficient technologies, with socially and environmentally responsible programs, where the active participation of all its actors translates into benefits for all," added Randy Martin.